
Friday, October 5, 2012

It's the little things in life

I was in a funk yesterday because I got another medical school rejection and now I'm a little paranoid that one of my letters of recommendation will indeed bury my application. On the other hand, the latest rejection was from a school that required family connections to the region, which I didn't realize until after I submitted my secondary so it's not exactly surprising after-all. But it still stings.

Regardless, I was in a funk and on the way back from my volunteering gig at the hospital I stopped by Target to see if they had heat blankets in stock yet. We were due for a dusting of snow this weekend and our house doesn't have insulation, so it's often unbearably cold. And I really wasn't looking forward to shivering all evening.

Shamelessly stolen photo from a friend's Facebook from this morning.
It had all melted by the time I woke up (at noon).

Well, I couldn't find any heat blankets, but when I asked one of the Target ladies if they had them she said they're back in storage waiting to be put on display. She then offered to look to see if one was easily accessible to pull out for me and came back with one in a color that I actually approved of. My frown suddenly turned into a huge smile. I wish she knew just how much she had made my day.

So I went home, plopped on the couch with my tea and new heat blanket, and spent the evening doing logic puzzles. Suddenly, all was well with the world.

As cliche as it may sound, good customer service can really brighten somebody's day. I didn't believe it until something as simple as finding a heat blanket turned the entire day around for me.

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