
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Glass half full?

Five years after I graduated from my first undergrad, I've completed my second undergrad in the form of post-baccalaureate classes for pre-med requirements. For the last two semesters, I've second-guessed my choice to take classes beyond those required by medical schools. And in the fall, I really questioned the decision to blow a grand on an EMT class that I didn't think I would ever need or use again.

But now that it's all over, I'm really happy with the way I went about fulfilling my requirements. Good things have come out of all this. Or maybe I've turned into an optimist in my old age choosing to find the positive in everything.

Regardless, I'm feeling very content with my life and my decisions. The extra classes have helped with my MCAT studying and are supposedly useful for at least some parts of medical school. And I definitely wouldn't be going on my awesome international Navy adventure without the EMT course.

So all in all, this wasn't in vain.

And since I need to brag to someone about this and neither Facebook nor SDN are appropriate places, here is what I have to show for my blood, sweat, and tears:

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